Preeclampsia: Symptoms, Risks, Treatment And Prevention

Preeclampsia: Symptoms, Risks, Treatment And Prevention


Preeclampsia is a rare condition that transpires only during pregnancy in certain women. This usually manifests after about 20 weeks of pregnancy and can be a very difficult situation to deal with. Just before Preeclampsia sets in, the patient might experience severe gestational hypertension. The statistics indicate that 5-8% of pregnancies are affected by preeclampsia. Other symptoms may also include high blood pressure.

Are you safe?

A lot of people believe that rare diseases cannot affect them. However, there is no real criterion on which these diseases can start affecting pregnant women. Let us take a look at all the people who may be at risk of preeclampsia.

  • Any first time mother
  • Any pregnant woman who has experienced gestational hypertension or preeclampsia previously
  • Any pregnant woman whose immediate family has a history of preeclampsia
  • Women carrying more than one baby
  • Women under the age of 20 and over the age of 40
  • Any woman with a history of high blood pressure or kidney disease before preeclampsia
  • Any pregnant woman with a BMI greater than 30 or obesity

What are the symptoms of preeclampsia?

When a woman is pregnant, her body undergoes many natural changes. It is hard to understand whether some symptom or change is an organic part of motherhood or is it a red flag hinting at any disease.

Take a look at the most common symptoms of preeclampsia:

Mild cases of preeclampsia:

  • high blood pressure,
  • water retention,
  • protein in the urine.

Severe cases of preeclampsia:

  • headaches,
  • blurred vision,
  • inability to tolerate bright light,
  • fatigue,
  • nausea/vomiting,
  • urinating small amounts,
  • pain in the upper right abdomen,
  • shortness of breath,
  • tendency to bruise easily.

When should you contact your doctor at Regency Mecial Centre?

If you are experiencing any of the above mentioned symptoms, then you must contact your doctor at RMC immediately. However in case you experience the following, you must immediately visit the doctor rather than simply calling him. The following symptoms indicate that your case has turned serious:

  • blurred vision,
  • severe headaches,
  • abdominal pain,
  • urinating very infrequently.

What tests can help in determining if you have preeclampsia?

Preeclampsia is a disease that may be rare but can happen to anyone. This is why it is very important that you keep undertaking regular tests and check ups with your doctor at RMC. If you want to know exactly what kind of tests can be undertaken, here is a list:

  • Checking kidney and blood-clotting functions;
  • Ultrasound scans to check your baby’s growth;
  • Doppler scans to measure the efficiency of blood flow to the placenta.

Treating Preeclampsia

Preeclampsia is a treatable disease provided that it is diagnosed at the right time. Motherhood and pregnancy are very important phases of a woman’s life. This is why one must be overly careful and cautious about their bodies and their physical state when undergoing it.

If you are diagnosed with Preeclampsia, do not panic or get worried. There is a proper treatment for you which can help in keeping you and your baby absolutely healthy. However, please note that in such cases, doctors believe in delivering the baby as soon as possible. This is to ensure that preeclampsia doesn’t affect the child much.

In case the baby is not yet developed fully and the mother is experiencing mild symptoms, doctors at RMC usually recommend:

  • Reduced consumption of Salt
  • Increased water consumption
  • Increased inclusion of protein
  • Regular and frequent prenatal check ups
  • Resting on your side to reduce the weight of the baby off the important blood vessels

Approaching a Doctor at the right time

It is of utmost importance that you keep a check of your health during pregnancy. Although there is no sure fire way of preventing preeclampsia, there are a few things that you can do as precautionary measures.

Try to increase your water intake as much as you can. Drinking at least 6 to 8 glasses of water is the first step to increasing your immunity. Also, stay away from alcohol. There are many exercises that you can do to stay fit while pregnant.

You must make sure that you eat right but don’t overdo it so that you don’t end up putting on a lot of weight. It is also important that you do not exert yourself much. When you conceive and a baby grows inside you the pressure on your back continues to increase with every passing week. It is important that you give yourself enough rest so that each part of your body is healthy.

In case you feel like there is any kind of discomfort, then you must visit the doctor immediately. Since you have already ready about preeclampsia, if you suspect that you are experiencing symptoms pertaining to this disease do not hesitate to tell your doctor about your suspicion. At RMC, we believe in doing whatever is best for our patients always. Come to us for any problems that you might be experiencing and we will be there to provide you with the best treatment and care.




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