COVID-19 and dialysis

COVID-19 and Dialysis: All Your Questions Answered


The entire world is fighting the COVID-19 outbreak by staying indoors. In such a scenario, what should dialysis patients know in order to take care of their health during the lockdown? Patients with kidney disease are concerned about their dialysis treatment schedule and how safe it will be for them to visit the dialysis centers. We receive a lot of inquiries about COVID-19 and dialysis so we have compiled a list of FAQs to address your concerns.

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COVID19 Parenting Tips

COVID-19 Parenting Tips: How to Comfort Children Amid The Coronavirus Crisis


The unfortunate coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak has brought life at a standstill. With schools closed, parents working from home and people being forbidden to meet others, parents are having a hard time balancing it all. It takes a village to raise a child and parenting during such times maybe all the more challenging. Here are some useful COVID-19 parenting tips to help you take care of your child and keep them organized during this lockdown period.

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COVID-19, pregnancy and breastfeeding

COVID-19, Pregnancy and Breastfeeding: All Your Questions Answered


Coronaviruses form a large family of viruses that majorly affects animals. However, some viruses from the coronavirus family are capable of spreading from animals to humans. The novel coronavirus recently discovered has been officially named COVID-19. It has affected millions of human beings in more than 80 countries. Since the virus is highly contagious and has spread across the globe, the World Health Organization has declared COVID-19 a pandemic. In this blog, we will provide answers related to COVID-19, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.

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World Autism Awareness Day

World Autism Awareness Day 2021: What is Autism? Symptoms and Treatments


World Autism Awareness Day 2021 will be observed on April 2 to raise awareness and promote kindness for people with autism. This year, the world will observe the thirteenth world autism awareness day. To show their love and solidarity for autistic people, the citizens of all the countries organize various online and offline events to talk about autism. As a gesture of kindness, many iconic buildings across the world are decorated with blue, yellow, red, and purple lights. This puzzling pattern is a sign of appreciation and celebration of the uniqueness and complexities of the autism spectrum.

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Coronavirus (COVID-19) : Frequently Asked Questions


The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the outbreak of Coronavirus (COVID-19) a pandemic. An outbreak of an infectious disease is termed a pandemic when the infection has rapidly spread on a global scale. As fears of the COVID-19 rise across the world, people are falling prey to various rumours and myths about the novel coronavirus disease.

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Best NHIF accredited hospital in Dar es Salaam


Tanzanian government acknowledges that many families in Tanzania have suffered because of their inability to pay medical expenses. So the government aims to ensure accessibility of healthcare to every citizen of the country through NHIF accredited hospitals. In this blog, we will talk about the best NHIF accredited hospital in Dar es Salaam but first, let’s understand what NHIF is.

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Blood in the Urine (Hematuria): Causes and Treatment

26 Feb 2020 Blog, Urology

Blood in the urine, also known as hematuria, is a very serious issue and can alarm anyone who sees it for the first time while urinating. There are a lot of causes for hematuria but it is important to note that blood in urine in itself is not a disease but an indication of a variety of problems.

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